Econometric Estimation of Cross-Country Differences in Industry Production Functionsby James Harrigan, Pittsburgh University
Can Barriers to Trade Make a Differential? An Investigation into the Sources of Inter-industry Wage Jon Haveman Purdue University
Geography and the Gains from Trade Policy Reformby Tom Hertel Purdue University
Global Income Clustering and Trade in Intermediate Goodsby David Hummels University of Michigan
External Economies and Trade: An Empirical Analysisby Pamela E. Lowry Illinois Weslayen University
Comparing U.S. and U.K. Labor Specialization in Tradeby Keith Maskus, University of Colorado at Boulder
Learning by Doing and Protection of an Infant-Industryby Eugenio J. Miravete, Northwestern University
Sectoral Growth Across US States: Factor Content, Growth, and Tradeby J. David Richardson and Pamela Smith, Syracuse University and University of Delaware
Trade Barriers and Trade Flows Across Countries and Industriesby Phillip Swagel, Northwestern University
As Assessment of Extending NAFTA to Other Major Trading Countries in South Americaby Robert M. Stern, University of Michigan