Empirical INvestigation In
International Trade


Melbourne, Australia

July 3-5, 2009

Organized by

Russell Hillberry, The University of Melbourne
Beacon Economics
Jon Haveman, FREIT

Sponsored by

  • University of Melbourne Department of Economics
  • Asian Economics Centre, Centre for Microeconometrics
  • Faculty of Economics and Commerce

Registration Form

Please fill out both sections of the form below
and click 'Register' to complete your registration.
Personal Information:

Other Information:
1.What days do you plan to attend the conference?
Fri. Sat. Sun.
2.Are you willing to serve as a discussant if your paper is not accepted?
Yes No
3.Are there topic areas that you feel especially competent to discuss?
4.Please note that by registering for this conference, you will also be registered as a member of FREIT.